InfoNewt, Data Visualization & Infographics Design

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Why Does InfoNewt Need a Blog?

I also author and publish the Cool Infographics blog, which highlights cool infographic and data visualization designs from designers all over the world.  Occassionally, I publish designs from InfoNewt, but I've been running the CI blog for a lot longer than InfoNewt has been around as a design company.  Part of the success of the CI blog is that it isn't company specific or meant as a company portfolio like some of the other infographic blogs out there.

I think it's finally time to start an InfoNewt-specific blog.  Here, I'll have the opprtunity to post more details about the work that InfoNewt does with clients, thoughts around the InfoNewt business, behind-the-scenes information about different design projects and even some tutorial information about how we design great infographics.

So, welcome to the new InfoNewt blog!