Infographic Resumes Interview by The Art of Doing

Is Your Resume Hopelessly Out of Date?
I was recently interviewed about infographic resumes by Camille Sweeney and Josh Gosfield, co-authors of the upcoming book The Art of Doing, for their blog.
My collection of Infographic Resumes on Pinterest has grown to over 300 resumes, and this trend continues to build momentum.
“An infographic resume stands out. And because of the Picture Superiority Effect, anyone looking at an infographic resume is 650% more likely to remember it days later, which improves the chances of a candidate to make it to the next step in the hiring process.” - Randy
Many, many companies still require text resumes that can be imported into their job application systems, so an infographic resume should be used in addition to a traditional text resume.
InfoNewt has been getting an increasing number of inquiries about infographic resume design projects lately, and there are definitely some key factors involved in designing a good one. I'm excited to see where this trend will lead.
You can find the interview on